Te Kete o Karaitiana Taiuru (Blog)

Post Archive

  • Te Reo Maori gate keepers for the future or for the cemetery

    Reo has to evolve or it will die, and it cannot be controlled by a small team; it has to be community driven. Gate keepers of the Māori language only hinder and halt its evolution. We live in an Information Technology driven society that needs Maori language to adapt. I have documented my personal thoughts…

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  • Papakupu Maori

    Commercial Māori language projects hold our people to ransom for what is our birth right – our language  The Papakupu is a Māori Language Dictionary that consists of headwords from published Māori dictionaries , databases, glossaries and Iwi dictionaries. It is estimated there will be over 150,000 unique headwords with each headword consisting of up…

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  • Facebook in the Maori Language

    Archived from September 13 2012 Facebook is now available in the Maori language thanks to a small partnership of language revitalisation experts. View the word list https://www.taiuru.co.nz/publicationslib/facebook-maori-language-terms.pdf We live in exciting times in terms of the Māori language where with the right combination of Language speakers and technical people we are able to have software and…

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  • Dot Maori Internet suffix

    Archived from August 12 2012 .maori is a possible Internet address suffix that is being discussed by groups of Māori and non Māori. This is a summary of findings from thefeasibility reportI wrote. .maori will not provide any benefit to Māori and will likely be more detrimental to the increasing Māori presence on the Internet.…

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  • .iwi.nz present and past moderation policies

    Archived from August 13 2012 .iwi.nz  is arguably the world’s first indigenous domain name.InternetNZin 2001 made theclaimthat maori.nz was the first Indigenous domain name, this despite the fact that .iwi.nz had existed since 1995 and was created by InternetNZ. It is likely that nsn.usandnsn.gov , the domains for Native Sovereign Nations of America were created first and then InternetNZ followed suit. I…

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  • Cultural and society GTLD objections will help protect Maori online

    Archived from August 20 2012 The new GTLD program from ICANN which closed its first round of applications included a number of cultural identity and society names being applied for by corporations. The public have been able to express their objections to strings and have been busy doing sohere.   While it may seem as…

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  • dot kiwi nz launches with new Maori cybersquatting

    Archived from September 10 21012 .kiwi.nz was launched at 10am this morning in an effort to gain at least 500 registrations within a month so that the domain could be a permanent domain. Within one hour 1000 registrations occurred. Already I have noticed a dozen cyber-squatted Māori names. If you have not already done so, I would suggest you…

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